
The institution opened the classes to the students for undergraduate studies in the name of Izmir Institute of Education Music Department in 1974 and then the institution continued to the education as the School of Higher Teachers(1978) and Buca Education Faculty Music Department(1986). In the frame of the acreditation of Education Faculties, the institution has been called as the Fine Arts Education Music Education Department since 1999. In the department of music education, some of the important courses are about music teaching, musical instrument training, voice training and music theory etc. The department of music education also offers graduate programmes which are masters and doctoral levels. The aim of the graduate programmes is to contribute the academic constitution not only the music department but also the others. The first aim of the department of music education is to make some useful and significant contributions of Turkish music education life. Faculty staff are 3 professors, 2 assistant professors, 12 instructors and 2 research assistant.

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