Strategic Objectives of the Department of Gifted Education

The Department of Gifted Education Education has adopted a total of 16 strategic goals under three main strategic goals in line with the University’s Strategic Plan for the 2021 – 2025 period.

Objective 1 To develop the innovative research capacity of the faculty members of the Department of Gifted Education Education

Target 1 Facilitating access to learning resources and enriching learning resources for the teaching staff of the Department

Target 2 Supporting the orientation of the academic staff of the Department towards innovative and value-added research areas

Target 3 Directing the academic staff of the Department to projects that support entrepreneurship

Target 4 Strengthening the qualified scientific publication capacity of the academic staff of the Department

Target 5 Ensuring the visibility of the academic staff of the Department with their research-based outputs with high added value

Objective 2 To improve the quality of education and training of the teaching staff of the Department of Gifted Education Education

Target 1 To improve the national and international branding of the academic staff of the Department in education and training

Target 2 To continuously improve and develop Gifted Education Undergraduate, Master’s and Gifted Education Doctorate Programmes in line with the needs of potential/gifted/special talents

Target 3 Strengthening the capacity of students attending Special Education Undergraduate, Master’s and Special Education Doctorate Education – Training Programmes to conduct qualified research in the field of potential / gifted / special talents and to transform it into publications

Target 4 Supporting the professional development of the teaching staff of the Department with a focus on learning to learn

Target 5 To develop the interest and motivation of undergraduate and graduate students in the field of special education in relation to the field of study of potential/gifted/special talents

Objective 3 Strengthening the Institutional Capacity of the Department of Gifted Education Education, Improving Interaction with Stakeholders and Social Service Quality

Target 1 To improve the reputation of Dokuz Eylül University through the teaching, research and community service productions of the faculty members of the Department

Target 2 To improve the sense of belonging to the institution by valuing the research, service and production of the academic staff of the department

Target 3 To contribute to the identification of potential / gifted / talented children in regional, national and international context and to the sustainability of their education through the studies of the academic staff of the Department

Target 4 Providing support for learning environment and learning content designs for potential / gifted / talented children in regional, national and international context

Target 5 Supporting the sustainability of the training of teachers of potential / gifted / talented children in regional, national and international context

Target 6 To develop all trainings designed for potential/highly gifted/special talented individuals and their teachers in line with the quality assurance system of the institution