General Information

The Department of Mental Disabilities Education, which continues its activities under the Department of Special Education within the body of our university, aims to ensure that courses related to mental disabilities are carried out in the undergraduate programme of Special Education Teaching in order to support the development of individuals with mental disabilities in different age groups and to train teachers in this field. In addition, among the aims of the Department of Education of the Mentally Handicapped is to carry out postgraduate education activities in the field of intellectual disability and to carry out scientific research in this field. In this direction, it is aimed to contribute to the determination and implementation of universal standards for the education of individuals with intellectual disabilities and to improve the quality of life of these individuals through both educational programmes and scientific studies. There are a total of 7 academic staff working in the Department of Education of the Mentally Handicapped: one professor, two associate professors, one doctoral lecturer, one doctoral lecturer and two research assistants.