
The Department of Science Education provides 4-year undergraduate education. Each class of the department is divided into two branches, A and B. There are approximately 30-35 students in each branch. There are 5 Professors; 2 Assistant professors;  2 Research Assistants in the department. In the department, science and science laboratory teaching material preparation, teaching and learning activities development, multi-intelligence teaching, computer-assisted learning research studies are done. Approximately 240-280 students study in our department which is formal education. Our quota is 60 students in our department every year. The courses offered in our department consist of field courses related to Physics, Chemistry, Biology, Earth Sciences, and Space, as well as educational courses and techniques that are necessary for effective and efficient science education. Applications for the field courses are carried out in two fully equipped science laboratories. The students of the department perform an internship in primary schools affiliated to the Ministry of National Education within the scope of teaching practice and school experience courses. Our graduates work as a Science Teacher in the schools and preparatory private schools of the Public and Private Education Institutions affiliated to the Ministry of National Education. Graduates of the department can continue their master’s and doctoral education within the scope of the Science Education program of the Institute of Educational Sciences.