

Training teachers who are going to be social engineers who are well-qualified; have basic knowledge, skills and attitudes; faithful to the principals of Atatürk and Republic; equipped with secular, contemporary and democratic features; know methods and techniques related with Social studies teaching; critical, inquisitive and have strong communication skills;
contribute to the social, cultural, economic, scientific and technological development of our nation and humanity by conducting teaching activities in universal standards.

To provide necessary basis for social studies education and teaching, follow the latest developments related with subject area closely. To conduct researches on the disciplines under the framework of Social studies. To search how to give these disciplines’ learning outcomes in Social studies lessons more effectively.


By giving a qualified education on social studies education and teaching, training social studies teachers and academicians who think scientifically, innovative, use information technologies according to the needs of the country.

To follow the developments in social studies education and teaching in the world and to bring new methods and techniques to Turkey. To cooperate and communicate with the institutions that can contribute to the professional development of social studies teacher candidates. To produce projects in the fields of social studies education, citizenship education, human rights …


The Division of Social Studies Teacher Education at Dokuz Eylul University was established in 1997 as a part of the restructuring of the faculties of education with the goal of training social studies teachers. Our division which started to teach in 1998-1999 academic year under the Department of Primary Education has been implementing formal education curriculum from the establishment to date. It has a four-year undergraduate education and besides this a masters degree program depending on the Institute of Educatonal Sciences. The language of instruction in all undergraduate and graduate programs of Social Studies Teacher Education is Turkish.
The education program of our division targets to train social studies teachers with sufficient capacity and talent to train the future generations at the second stage of primary education in accordance with the needs and requirements of both our country and our era. In addition to reinforcing the occupational knowledge and experiences of students, our division also attaches importance to directing them to sport, art, communication and cultural activities supporting their personal development and improving their creativity and social relations.
In 2023-2024 academic year, there are totally 331 students of which 75 in first grade, 82 in second grade, 69 in third grade, and 73 in fourth grade and 32 are suspended students.
Our Social Studies Education Division continues education and training activities in four classrooms at our Faculty.