Brief History

Izmir has always been one of the most significant cities in terms of teacher education both in the Ottoman and Republic periods. When Kizilcullu Village Institute was closed in 1956, the Rees Mansion, which now serves as Dean’s Office, was selected as construction site for the new teacher training school. The Rees Mansion, including a garden characterized by a rich fauna and flora, started to serve as Izmir Girls’ Education Institute in 1959. Following the 1978-1979 academic year, all three-year education institutes were restructured and started to serve as four-year programs. In line with this restructuring, Izmir Girls’ Education Institute was renamed as Izmir (Buca) Higher Teacher Education School and started to prepare teachers for high schools. With the enactment of the Law 2547 of the Higher Education Council, on July 20, 1982, Buca Higher Teacher Education School became a faculty affiliated with Dokuz Eylul University. Following the transformation of Buca Higher Teacher Education School into a faculty, the majority of teachers continued their jobs as lecturers. After becoming a faculty, the ınstitution stated to give education with 1 professor, 1 assistant professor and 197 lecturers. Pursuing an identity suitable for the 21st century,  Buca Faculty of Education started the 2023-2024 academic year with 189 tenured faculty staff (67 professors, 52 associate professors, 30 assistant professors, 18 lecturers, 22 research assistants and 1 specialist) nad 4341 students in 8 departments (21 undergraduate programs).

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