Strategic Objectives of Department

Department objectives and performance indicators that are compatible with our university’s strategic plan (2021-2025) are systematically reviewed and evaluated. Internal and external stakeholder participation is attempted in evaluations. Every year, academic studies, social and cultural activities in the Department of Computer and Instructional Technologies are discussed and decided at department meetings. In addition, meetings are held and decisions are made to ensure efficient processing and monitoring of the courses. Academic publication reports and academic incentive scores of faculty members are evaluated as academic performance indicators. In addition, project work and activities carried out with students are also evaluated as performance indicators.


Objective 1  Developing Scientific and Pioneering Research Capacity
1.1 Improving the academic strengths and weaknesses of department members through peer education
1. 2 Updating the physical infrastructure with the support of senior management in order to increase scientific and pioneering research capacity
1. 3 Development of entrepreneurship network and infrastructure in the field of educational technologies
1. 4 Improving the quality and quantity of national and international scientific publications and academic projects
Objective  2  Improving the Quality of Education and Training
2. 1 Improving education and training programs in the light of current developments
2. 2 Performing department SWOT analyzes and providing solutions to improve weak areas
2. 3 Improving students’ motivation to participate in education, training and voluntary social activities
Objective  3 Strengthening Institutional Capacity, Improving Interaction with Stakeholders and Quality of Service to the Society
3. 1 Creating collaborative networks by bringing together students, graduates and stakeholders of the Department of Computer and Instructional Technologies Education, evaluating and reporting the general situation with internal and external stakeholder participation.
3. 2 Making task distribution and definitions within the department and ensuring their continuity
3. 3 Increasing best practices and social and community activities in education


*Our Department’s Research Strategic Aims and Objectives have been prepared taking into account the Strategic aims and objectives of Dokuz Eylül University.